15 Jun 2020

In partnership with TMIS Conseil, IFF organized an online conference on Friday 29 May for it trainers under the theme of the “Digital Learning, from theory to practice”.
Hosted by Mr. Luis R. CAMACHO, expert in setting up Digital Blended Learning devices and deploying projects internationally, this conference was punctuated by exchanges and interactions with the public.
More than fifty trainers took part in this event, in addition to some guests of honor, including Dominique Vastel, Director of the SNCF International Department and member of the IFF supervisory board, as well as Lahcen Achibane and Jean Robert Avatoli respectively HRD of ONCF ( Morocco) and HRD of SETRAG (Gabon).
The conference aroused the interest of the participants as manifested by their testimonies: “Thank you for the good organization of this meeting as well as the quality of the presenter” commented Younes Chekroune, and “Thank you for this enriching content, see you soon” commented Nawar Dridat.
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